Knowledge Centre

Toothache – what shall I do?

Sadly pain is the number one motivator for people to visit their dental team. This can be as a result of hot or cold foods or drinks triggering the pain or from biting or grinding of teeth. Grinding of teeth can cause a tooth to break or be painful when chewing.

Loss of fillings or crowns may be further cause of pain. The tooth structure is compromised when losing a crown or filing and may break or crumble causing further pain and potentially more extensive treatment.

Any type of injury to teeth or gums should not be ignored, and may be a cause of infection concern or nerve or blood vessel damage.

Your dental team have the skills, knowledge and training to reduce the pain usually within a few minutes and identify the cause.

If it “hurts” then there is a need to call your dental team and request an appointment as the smallest of “injuries” can affect the living tissue of the teeth.